

Playful Professional Corporate Training

Hello from the CEO

A consultancy at its core, yet so much more. Simplified solutions ​for non Fortune 500 companies who are seeking to excel on a ​budget, and need it in plain English without frills. From hospitality to ​finance, there is no argument that a good or bad customer ​experience in person, online or through someone else can spread ​like a wildfire, so let me explain what I mean.

We help elevate businesses and organizations to identify or highligh​t areas their clientele, prospects and employees find off putting, od​d or uncomfortable and devise strategies and solutions to enhanc​e customer engagement, recapture revenues and in many instance​s increase profitability. Clients say this exploration is not only ey​e opening but refreshing, an honest review of your customers an​d employees experience which we then use to create a framewor​k geared to optimize your business​.​

Je​remy Stauber

Chief Experience officer


What we do

Fractional Services

Simple pricing- $2100/month retainer plus ​$115/hour vs $21,000/month for a

full time CXO or more from a

big brand consulting team.

White Label Materials

Training materials tailored for your organization’s ​branding to use as you deem fit.

If you’re looking for training courses and workshops… Click Here